The Jewish people have been oppressed throughout the majority of their existence. One of the most horrifying was during World War II and the mass genocide of their people. The Nazi regime moved about Europe taking Jews into custody and imprisoning them. In times of complete loss some of these Jews gained their strength and did not lay down and be walked on.
Jewish men and women would soon join together exclaiming "We are partisans!" For these men and women who were part of an extraordinary organization were ready to fight back. These men and women were not only fighting for themselves, but also for their families and all the rest of the Jews in other camps. Men and women with these partisan personalities came together and formed groups that would fight against the Nazis.
These groups were organized and planned throughout World War II in the ghetto camps and concentration camps. Partisan groups were much more common in the ghetto camps because there was more freedom than in concentration camps. Prisoners were constantly under the lookout in concentration camps and it is nearly impossible to plan and anticipate a revolt, but these revolts did occur.
Currently, all these partisans are not receiving the respect they deserve for there
for their deeds they have done years ago. It seems like the tasks they have done have been well forgotten. This website is here to educate the current generation of the actions of the partisan groups and give these men and women the honor they deserve.